Thursday, October 2, 2008


CLOT is a lifestyle company that specializes in almost everything involved in youth culture. We do fashion, we do music, we do consulting, we do events. We design as well, by the way. CLOT means exactly whut it says. All these new ideas and trendsetters gather in one area and get clotted up, this so called area is named CLOT Inc. We gather the world's talent from HF, to Stash, to Madsaki and we deliver them thru our platforms to bring our style and flavor to the world. Clot is China's first ever dedicated STREET TEAM.We use non-conventional methods of promotion and fresh new thinking to promote our products and doings. CLOT was inspired by the fact that the original team already is a gathering of very different and unique individuals. CLOT is good because we are a start-up company consisting of three very strange individuals, each with a certain style of thinking, very strong in our beliefs but also at the same time we respect each other's style and we also are a very good mixture of people as we have people from Greece, Hong Kong, Canada, America, and Japan working for us. We already have a great international feel inside the company itself...

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